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發(fā)布時間:2012-04-23 13:32 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)  作者:佚名




GDI's most common starting build involves some sort of harassment in the form of an APC rush. The APC is loaded up with an engineer, and with perfect micro, can be very difficult to counter. Hopefully, this will lay some basic groundwork for you to (with practice) start countering these rushes.


Cracking the APC shell


By the time that GDI has assembled an engineer and APC and sent it off to your base, you probably have a tank or two or something to defend with no matter what army you are. Nod usually has an attack bike or scorpion out, while Scrin has a couple of seekers usually. As soon as your scouting unit picks up on an incoming APC towards your base, send these anti-vehicle units immediately to attack the APC. Whether those couple of units you have are somewhere other than your base or not, you should send any new tanks that just came out of your WF straight to the APC to get as much firepower as you can. The farther away from your base you can kill the APC, (whether they evacuate or not) the better.



A little late on the scorpions, as the APC has reached the WF.



Dealing with the Engineer inside


If he's able to get the APC to your base, and keep the engineer alive, you are going to have a short period of time to kill the engineer. Either you'll have to deal with an engineer next to your buildings headed on its way to capture, or it'll be on its way into a building. What are the best ways to take it out before you lose a structure?


If you have some extra time after making tanks, go ahead and build an anti-infantry vehicle. Chances are though, that you won't get a chance to spare the WF production queue for something like that. That leaves you tier 1 anti-infantry defenses and infantry to dispatch the engineer. If you can get up a Watchtower, Buzzer hive, or Anti-infantry turret within range of the building they're shooting for, you are set. These automatically target the engineer when they unload, and are great if you can get the buzzers to trail the APC or the Watchtower within range of the building they're shooting for.


You can go for infantry squads to deal with the engineer, but if you make them too soon, the APC will have had plenty of time to kill them off before they have a chance to defend. You might have a few support powers at your fingertips, the best ones are buzzer swarm and cloaking field, but those only work if you are teched that far. The final step, a last resort measure, is to sell the building or undeploy your MCV. Be wary of players who might attempt to fake you out by going right next to some semi important structures. You need to make sure that you time the sell right. If you sell too early, they have the option of moving on to try for another building. If it comes that far as to where you have to sell that building, if you can catch the engineer out of the APC, make sure to kill it so he can't go on to capture a different building.


A well prepared base - The two turrets kill the engineer and MCV isn't even able to be captured. Player placed last building in MCV build queue before undeploying.



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