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發(fā)布時間:2016-02-22 12:51 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)



  16Accords of Madness, v. VI




  Everproud and boastful, Oblivion's Mad Prince stood one


  fifthday of mid year among the frigid peaks of Skyrim, and


  beckonedforth Hircine for parlay. The Huntsman God


  materialized,for this was his day, and the boldness of


  Sheogorathintrigued him.

  Wrywithout equal, Sheogorath holds in his realm giggling


  loons,flamboyant auteurs, and craven mutilators. The Mad


  Princewill ply profitless bargains and promote senseless


  bloodshedfor nothing more than the joy of another's


  confusion,tragedy, or rage. So it was that Sheogorath had


  seta stage on which to play himself as rival to Hircine.


  Withouthaste, the coy Prince proffered his contest; each


  Princewas to groom a beast to meet at this place again,


  threeyears to the hour, and do fatal battle.


  Expressionlessbehind his fearsome countenance, Hircine


  agreed,and with naught but a dusting of snow in the drift, the Princes were gone totheir realms.

  Confident,but knowing Sheogorath for a trickster, Hircine


  secretlybred an abomination in his hidden realm. An


  ancientDaedroth he summoned, and imbued it with the foul


  curseof lycanthropy. Of pitch heart and jagged fang, the


  unspeakablehorror had no peer, even among the great


  huntersof Hircine's sphere.


  Inthe third year, on the given day, Hircine returned,


  whereSheogorath leaned, cross-legged on a stone, whistling


  withidle patience. The Prince of the Hunt struck his spear


  tothe ground, bringing forth his unnatural, snarling behemoth. Doffing his cap,sly as ever, Sheogorath stood


  andstepped aside to reveal a tiny, colorful bird perched


  atopthe stone. Demurely it chirped in the bristling gusts,



  Ina twisted, springing heap, the Daedroth was upon the


  stone,leaving only rubble where the boulder had been.


  Thinkingitself victorious, the monster's bloodied maw


  curledinto a mock grin, when a subdued song drifted in the

  crispair. The tiny bird lightly hopped along the snout of the furious Daedroth.Sheogorath looked on, quietly


  mirthful,as the diminutive creature picked at a bit of


  detrituscaught in scales betwixt the fiery eyes of the larger beast. With howling fury,the were-thing blinded


  itselftrying to pluck away the nuisance. And so it


  continuedfor hours, Hircine looking on in shame while his


  finestbeast gradually destroyed itself in pursuit of the


  seeminglyoblivious bird, all the while chirping a mournful tune to the lonesome range.

  Livid,but beaten, Hircine burned the ragged corpse and


  withdrewto his realm, swearing in forgotten tongues. His


  cursesstill hang in those peaks, and no wayfarer tarries


  forfear of his wrathful aspect in those obscured heights.


  Turningon his heel, Sheogorath beckoned the miniscule


  songbirdto perch atop his shoulder, and strolled down the


  mountain,making for the warm breezes and vibrant sunsets


  ofthe Abecean coast, whistling in tune with the tiniest


  championin Tamriel.


  NightcallerTemple library, main level, on a podium


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